She was named Swimmer of the Meet at the Conference USA Championship in the 2016/17 season. (, 25 Feb 2017;, 2017)

Date of birth 19-03-1996
Height 0
Weight 0
Country South Africa
Occupation Athlete
Language English
Club -
Name of coach -
Gender Female
Nickname -
Hobbies Diving, going to the beach, spending time with family and friends
Memorable achievement She was named Swimmer of the Meet at the Conference USA Championship in the 2016/17 season.
Idol -
Injuries -
Ambitions -
Awards She was named Swimmer of the Meet at the Conference USA Championship in the 2016/17 season. (, 25 Feb 2017;, 2017)


Season Stats

  • Swims
  • 1 st Places
  • Medals
  • Records